Geoscope Environmental News 

EPA Sustainable & Healthy Communities Research Program| *NEW* Eco-Health Relationship Browser Introduction|

The Eco-Health Relationship Browser illustrates the linkages between human health and ecosystem services - benefits supplied by Nature.  This interactive tool provides information about the ecosystems, the services they provide and how those services, or their degradation and loss, may affect people. 

Drought's Impact on Chesapeake Bay |Chesapeake Bay Foundation| 

The near-record drought that is hammering the Midwest and Wet this summer is also causing moderate drought conditions for farmers in parts of Maryland and Virginia...Last week the Agriculture Dept declared more than 1,000 counties in 26 states as natural disaster areas, the Washington Post reports...

10 Minutes with Marsi Steirer | BC Water News | 

Marsi Steirer, Deputy Director for the City of San Diego's Public Utilities Department, sat down with Brown & Caldwell Sr. VP Cindy Paulson to talk about the challenges and success of recycled drinking water and where water resources management is headed.

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Geoscope Environmental Laboratories - Environmental Testing that you can Depend on
"Our goal is to make sure that every customer gets the most reliable analysis and dependable service possible, everyday!" - Alemnesh Abebe, Laboratory Director

Geoscope is a full service environmental laboratory accredited by the state of Maryland Department of Environmental (MDE). A wide range of analytical services are available at GEL including the organic and inorganic analyses of drinking water, groundwater, wastewater, and soil.

Geoscope has implemented an operational program emphasizing high quality and capacity to ensure that our clients' expectations, commitments and ever-evolving needs are met. A staff of exceptionally experienced and technically competent chemists adheres to a rigorous Quality Assurance/ Quality Control program, ensuring accurate and precise test data.


Microscopic Organisms

Geoscope performs a number of microbiological tests on wastewater, drinking and ground  water. Amongst the various tests that we perform in our microbiology lab are E.coli, Fecal Coliform, Fecal Enteroccoccus, Fecal Streptococcus and Total Coliform.



Biological, Medical & Physical
Geoscope performs pharmaceutical and food testing for a number of restaurants, food processing, packing and manufacturing plants, to list a few. The pharmaceutical and food analyses that Geoscope performs include: Aerobic plate count, E.coli, Salmonella, S. aureus, yeast and mold.




Organic & Inorganic

Carbon & Non-Carbon Based Chemistry
Geoscope in its organic and inorganic laboratories performs a vast array of tests on drinking water, ground water, waste water, pharmaceutical and fuel contamination tests. Among the vast arrays of tests performed in this laboratories, some of them are: chloride, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, phosphate, turbidity, phenol, nitrogen, ammonia, pesticides oil and grease (OG), synthetic organic compounds (SOCs) , etc.