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Geoscope Environmental Laboratories' staff harnesses over 60 years of analytical and program design to ensure that every customer is treated with care and is comfortable with the quality and the content of their service. The quality of our expertise informs every aspect of our business.


Environmental Site Assessments

Geoscope Environmental Laboratories provides Environmental Site Assessments that are often requested by lenders to determine the environmental condition of a property.  Site Assessments can consist of up to a 3 phases. A Phase 1 inspection is an integral part to many commercial and industrial real estate transactions. Many banks will not lend for any commercial or industrial transaction on real estate over a particular dollar amount without a Phase I. A properly done Phase 1 inspection is for everyone’s protection not just the buyer.

The findings of Phase 1 determines if the 2nd Phase will be needed, and the determination of Phase 2 determines if the 3rd will be needed. Each environmental Phase whether it is Phase 1, 2 or 3, has a very involved set of industry standard requirements. Geoscope's skilled and highly trained professionals are there to ensure that the assessment is done as accurately as possible. 

Phase 1 
In its simplest terms a Phase 1 Site Assessment is a site visit and document review of the surrounding area to determine if further investigation is advised from an environmental stand point. A Phase 1 inspection includes a review of local governmental documents regarding the site to determine what the past usage of the site was along with extensive document review of the surrounding area. It also entails a very involved and detailed site visit by a qualified professional. In addition there is data base information that is gathered and reviewed of the surrounding vicinity to determine if there is a potential risk from an environmental stand point in the immediate area.

These potential risks can be anything from a past gas station on or near the site that might have contaminated the ground water to there having been a dry cleaner on the site that might have spilled chemicals into the ground. There could have been past dumping on the site or an auto repair that did not handle the oils properly, lead in the paint, asbestos, and on and on. The focus of a Phase 1 inspection is environmental aspect and not the structure or any of the systems of the building. The systems are the focus of the general visual inspection.

Phase 2 
Phase 2 may come into play depending on what is found during the Phase 1 inspection and research.  Phase 2 is  a more involved analysis of aspects of the environmental field.  Phase 2 involves testing of the site such as coring into the earth and taking samples of the soil along with testing it to determine what is in the soil. The Phase 2 often consists of physical sampling of the site, using the recommendations of the Phase 1 report as a minimum guideline.  It culminates in a comprehensive written report detailing the rationale for the sampling that took place, the sampling protocols and procedures employed, an explanation of the analytical results, and, if necessary, a description of the recommended remedial action needed to restore the site to the appropriate condition for its intended use. The information during a Phase 2 will determine if the site warrants further investigation into a Phase 3.

Phase 3 
The final phase of an Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 3, consists of the design and implementation of the remediation of the site, as well as all necessary reports and permits to achieve cleanup of the site agreed upon site specific standards. Activities in Phase 3 include the design, print and sale of all associated signage needed to ensure the safety and compliance of the site with all necessary state and local regulators.